While I’ve been at home during quarantine – one thing I’ve quickly realized is how much I miss going out for coffee. If you watch my Instagram stories, you’d probably catch on by now that I’m a slight coffee addict, (iced coffee specifically.) Drinking coffee has become part of my morning ritual and I really just don’t feel like myself without it – no shame.
You see, in an ideal world (back in Chicago), I start my day with an early SoulCycle class and grab a drink at Starbucks or one of my favorite local coffee shops. However, while being at home, I’ve been somewhat forced to get creative and start making my morning coffee at home.
I received an espresso machine for my birthday back in February (this is the exact one I have) and I haven’t experimented with it much since I was saving it for my new apartment. However, quarantine happened and my espresso machine brings me a lot of joy, so I’ve been playing around with making new drinks a lot. My favorite drink to make is my version of an at-home iced caramel macchiato.
Keep in mind, I’m not a recipe or food blogger, I just wanted to share something I’ve been enjoying a lot with you all – it’s almost too good not to.
Here it is:
Take caramel sauce and squirt it around the inside rim of your glass (I prefer drinking mine out of a mason jar with a metal straw.) Then, pour a SMALL amount of vanilla syrup into the bottom of your glass. (I use the Torani brand of vanilla syrup since it’s what they use at Starbucks.)
Add ice cubes to the bottom of your glass. Then, pour in about two or three cups of your favorite milk (I use unsweetened almond milk.) Lastly, and this part is key, pour a double shot of espresso over the milk SLOWLY so you get the layered milk/espresso look. Drizzle the top with caramel sauce if you’re feeling fancy.
That’s it! A delicious, iced caramel macchiato to start your day off on the right foot at home.
Let me know if you end up trying this recipe – I’ve been obsessed!
✧ click here to discover my favorite Chicago coffee shops